Our next stop was Buffalo, a city in New York state very close to the Canadian border. Buffalo, once a thriving city of industry is now sufferering from a population decline however much of its beautiful art-deco architechture still impresses.
We made our way down from Toronto on the Canadian Greyhound bus (which was a much nicer experience than the US Greyhound busses we took). The actual distance between Toronto and Buffalo is not far at all and usually takes about 1 and a half to 2 hours to drive it. However, we had to cross the border which meant that we had to deal with American immigration again!
As the border crossing took so long the bus trip took an extra hour! We arrived in Buffalo to be greeted by our wonderful friends Stacy and Aaron! As we were super hungry by this point they decided that we should go for some gold ol' traditional Buffalo food - the famous Buffalo wings and Buffalo Chicken Finger Sub. The Buffalo wings were amazing! I have no idea what was put on them to make them taste like that!
Nat's picture of the Buffalo Skyline. He has to take a picture of every cities skyline! Obssessed!
Buffalo Wings! Delish!
Aaron, Stacy and I chowing down on Buffalo wings!
After our amazing Buffalo Wings we went to see Niagara Falls at night. We were amazed to see how built up the Falls were. There are casinos and massive hotels on the Canadian side. At night the Canadian side puts on a light display which is shone onto the falls! Quite imprressive, even if it was slightly tacky!
Bowling with Nat, Aaron, Stacy, Marcey and other Aaron!
After a great day on the Niagara River we went to see Stacy play a show. Aaron played as well under the name Standing Audition. You might remember from our LA Blog that although Stacy is originally from Buffalo, she now lives in Los Angeles - so it's a rare treat when she gets to play to a hometown crowd.
After the show we went for some more Buffalo cuisine, becaue we still hadn't tried everything Buffalo had to offer! So the night went for quite some time. I think we ate at around 12pm and then eventually made our way home stuffed full of food to get some sleep for the next day. I must also mention that before we went out to Stacy's gig her Mum also cooked us a massive feed of spag bog. It was amazing! However, this meant that we spent most of our time in Buffalo eating...
For the best "Beef on Weck" on Grand Island
After the massive Buffalo food experience, we were back on the road to Canada together with Stacy, Aaron and her mum (Mary-Jane). After crossing the Canadian border at Niagara Falls, Nat and I went on a little excursion to check out one of the wonders of the world. They were incredible. Despite all the people, casinos and hotels, the falls were breathtaking. They are so huge! It is just crazy to think how much water thunders over the edge of the falls each day.
Stacy and Mary-Jane. Aaron and Nat.
As it got later, we bit a sad goodbye to our friends who drove back across the border to Buffalo. The next morning we caught the tram and the subway to the airport so that we could fly to our next stop, Quebec City.
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